How to Talk About Issues That Matter While in the Classroom
As a future teacher one of the most important things, I can learn is how to have those important uncomfortable conversations. Certain conversations for kids can be confusing and complicated if an adult is not there to guild them through it. For example, as a kid they are exposed to so much so quick with how much media influences our lives. A student could be watching the news one night and see something they have never seen or heard before. For a child that can be very overwhelming and scary if they aren't able to conversate what they saw on the tv. As teachers, that is where we come into the picture. We are able to talk through problems in the classroom and help answer our students' questions. My golden line this week helps further my point on why talking about important issues is crucial for the classroom. I said, "how we talk about things matters" and the reason it matters is because our words have power. In a classroom we are the most influential person to thos